Disc Harrow in Karnal

Here you can search top Disc Harrow in Karnal suppliers, dealers, and manufacturers based on your location, price, design, and color. Just click on Get Quote Now button to get the latest price of Disc Harrow in Karnal. We will help you connect with nearest Disc Harrow dealers in Karnal.

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Recently Added Suppliers
Piara Singh & Sons from Karnal


30000.00 29400

per Unit

Harrow Discs


62.00 60

per Kilogram

Harrow Disc Blade


300.00 294

per Piece

Trailed Offset Disc Harrow (With Tyre)
Beri Udyog Private Limited from Karnal

• Heavy duty cast iron spools to provide centre weight. • Optional wheels can be provided .

Piara Singh & Sons

From Karnal, Haryana, India, 132001

Piara Singh & Sons is Manufacturer from Karnal. It is established in year 1958 and having 200 plus employees.The contact address of Piara Singh & Sons is 300/3A, HSIIDC.

Disc Harrow Price List in Karnal

Product Name Price in INR Supplier
OFF - SET DISC HARROW 30000.00 / Unit Piara Singh & Sons
Harrow Disc Blade 300.00 / Piece Khanna Agro Industries
Starking Mild Steel, High Carbon Steel Mounted Disc Harrow 40000.00 / Piece Indo Farm Implements
Harrow Discs 62.00 / Kilogram Shri Krishna Agro

Note: The above price is the approx price of Disc Harrow. To get the latest Disc Harrow price in Karnal, please contact the supplier.